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serve as a reminder

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(These findings 主语)(serve 谓语)(as a reminder ... rationale (方式)状语).to always be sure to ... rationale 我个人认为解释为 reminder的后置定语表示其目...


serve 1) (vt. & vi).(为„)服务,(为„)服役,任(职),供职 serve the people 为人民服务。2) (vt. & vi...

serve as什么意思

2、Their stories serve as a stark reminder of the misery that enforced jollity can bring.读者们提供的情况,...

serve as的翻译是什么?

1、All agreed that if the box could be pushed to the village, it could serve as a safe granary.全部人赞同如...


old key,--"If I rest, I rust,"--would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest taint of idleness. Even the industrious might...

serve as的汉语意思是什么?

2、Their stories serve as a stark reminder of the misery that enforced jollity can bring.读者们提供的情况,...


温馨提示的英文是kindly reminder。重点词汇解释 reminder 英 [rɪ'maɪndə(r)] 美 [rɪ'maɪ...

serve as的中文解释是什么?

1、All agreed that if the box could be pushed to the village, it could serve as a safe granary.全部人赞同如...

serve as的汉语意思是什么?

2、Their stories serve as a stark reminder of the misery that enforced jollity can bring.读者们提供的情况,...


Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the un...

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